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Sunday, 18 November 2012

Origins Super Spot Remover

Origins Super Spot Remover

I first purchased the Origins Super Spot Remover in July/August I think during an attack of incredibly bad skin. I read a review of it on Sophia's blog and thought it was worth giving it a shot as nothing else had been working up until that point. 

I'll be honest, because of the bad condition of my skin, I put a lot of hope on this tiny little bottle to be the miracle product for spots. Naturally, it didn't live up to my unrealistic expectations. That isn't to say that this product doesn't work, because it does but I believe my skin problems were due to hormones rather than anything else which is why it took so long to go down. Looking back on when I have used it in other instances it has certainly helped. I have prescribed Benzoyl Peroxide gel from the doctors (luckily I don't have to use it quite as much anymore) but one of the drawbacks of this treatment is that it can't be used during the day as it can bleach the skin.

Because of the skin-bleaching properties of benzoyl peroxide, this is where this product comes into it's own. If I have any spots or soon to be spots I pop some of this on them before my makeup which can really help.

It goes without saying that this product alone won't cure you of your skin problems, a good skincare routine is essential. I always used to think my skin care routine was pretty good...until I started blogging. Now I feel like I don't do enough, and that's not just for my face, but for exfoliating and moisturising the rest of my body as well, but let's save that for another blog post.
I was very surprised how little the bottle is for this product, given that it isn't particularly cheap (in my opinion at least). I will say, however, that it has lasted me for a good few months now, and there's still a bit left to tide me over. Would I buy this product again? Yes, I probably would, but I will be keeping an eye out for a cheaper alternative in the mean time.

Origins Super Spot Remover retails for £13.00 and can be found online or at an Origins counter in department stores.

Kate x

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